In addition to our ongoing Bible study classes that meet on Sunday mornings, we offer short term classes throughout the year which are topical in nature. The majority of these classes meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:15 p.m. Child care and children’s classes are also offered during these times at Highland. The classes range in length from four to twelve weeks, depending on the study. There is usually a small cost with each class, based on the price of the study guide for the particular class. There are also classes which meet during the day on different weekdays.
Small Groups
At Highland we express our love for one another in the context of small group Bible study. Small groups help people connect with each other in meaningful ways as we gather around the study of God’s Word. We have classes for all age groups throughout the week. We encourage you to find a class that you feel comfortable in and get involved.
Sunday Small Groups meet at 9:15 every Sunday morning. For a list of classes and locations see below

If you want to be involved in a small group contact us below!